Tuesday, 26 November 2013

What a WILD 11 weeks....Wowzers!!

11 Wild Weeks Filled with...
 Fear, Doubt, Bullies, Demons, Humblers, Lessons, Growth, Forgiveness
Crazy Journey I'm glad I had!

Well I'm done!...LOL. It's been one heck of a Journey...Truly it has! This was so much more than just a contest for me. I always look for ways to make bad situations good, it helps me recover,...This contest came along at the right time and helped me work through a number of things.

The last few weeks I've been very reflective, it was getting close to the end and I had to think back and remember all the reasons I started this. Its a fault of mine to dwell on things, Self punishment I call it. I do it to hopefully prevent further wrongs, but I realise it actually just causes the problem to never leave me. I feel hard and I hurt hard if that makes sense....when I'm up and way up...and the same goes with my downs. 

After looking back I recognize the lessons and growth. That really means the most. 

I understand I can stop being afraid. I don't need to be scared anymore of going back to a person I no long am. I've changed my lifestyle so I don't need to fear my old one anymore. That means I don't have to fear food. Alyssa showed me that I can EAT...I can eat a ton of food because I train hard. I've said it before, I'm going to say it again and I will continue to say it. Lifting weights, building muscle is the key...the KEY to sustainable weight loss and overall health!! Even if your diet fluctuates a little, you can count on your energy burning muscles to help you! 

Alyssa kept me on a 1700 calorie diet for almost the entire 11 weeks. I had Carbs in my shake the night before the photos! There was no exception to the post work out carb...if I trained, I had to have a carb:)

Something I shared with Alyssa today was that I see how I've changed. If for some reason I didn't have a meal ready for the gym...I...Sheryl...would stop at Tim Hortons and get.... A BAGEL!!...yep, mid competition I would eat a bagel. Why...because it was soooo important to me to try as hard as I could to see gains in 11 weeks, I didn't risk not feeding my muscles what they needed!!....YAY ME!! I'm proud of that!

Another amazing thing is that I no longer care what the scale says... just typing that makes me tear up!. I truly don't give a shit!!. I started this challenge at a Soft 120lbs...And ended a lean, strong 116!! I can say strong because I have gained some precious muscle!! Craig made me hard programs!! At the start I really thought he was just being a bit o fa jerk with that much of a work load (sorry Craig). One thing about Craig is that he only asks you to do things he knows you can do. You may suck at them at the start, but he knows you can hit what he asks... My work outs were heavy and long but they provided the growth I needed. I hit personal best squatting through this ENTIRE prep!...my best squats to date 145lbs 5 sets 5 reps...I was 118lb when I did that!! I know I had growth and strength gains in my upper body and I'm excited to keep that going!

Lastly I understand I'm a pretty strong person! I've dealt with my own self doubt, un warranted attacks, old demons and finished strong. I kept going because I needed this...I needed to learn the lessons, grow as a person and move on. I fought off voices telling me to take control back....It will help me learn to let go. I accept people will love you, and they will hate you....and that's just life!! I understand you need to accept the entire picture in order to change it....so keep it real!

On That REAL Note...here are my pictures from today! -:) 

When you look at the before pictures remember that in NO way do I think I'm FAT!!. The way I felt, my lack of athletic ability is what upset me to tears. 

The lighting isn't my Favourite, takes my definition away a little...The stock room at Popeye's...LOL!!

I'm VERY proud that I only lost 4lbs! I have the best shoulders and back I've ever had. My Abs were solid and my lower V popped out!! My Legs...what can I say...I get emotional about them...they have come so far!! 

I am happy with that we did in 11 weeks...I had a great team helping, explaining and teaching me more than I ever expected. I'm beyond thankful for Alyssa's amazing diet and nutritional skills, and I still and forever will say Craig is the best trainer on the planet!

Thank you for sharing this journey with me... :)

Two Fun ones...Because I'm all about FUN!!!

Juan and I  We work and Train together

My Mini...Mini Alyssa pose...haha!!

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Wowzers...What a crazy process so far...I've been Humbled!!!

I've learned a Ton...This hasn't been what I expected!!!

First..thank you to everyone for all the awesome support and encouragement...every like, every message has been VERY much appreciated!!

I'm now in the last FOUR weeks of this Challenge ...it's been an amazing learning experience and not at all what I expected.

How I have been Humbled....

Honestly I think the hardest part was coming to terms with how I actually look...that may sound weird to many but I have never actually taken a true progress picture. It's never been required so I never did it. I had no idea how to even have a progress picture taken!. 

TRUE progress pictures are just you...standing there... not flexed...that's all...Just you!! I had a really had time with what I was seeing in these pictures. I often post pictures on Instagram or even on Facebook of various parts of my body...by Abs, my Arms...the parts I like....why would I post the stuff I don't like...right?!? ...Seeing everything together was hard on me. I have VERY high expectations of myself...and the progress pictures were rather challenging!

Ab Shot for Flex Friday on IG...yes my abs look good, but remember  to look at the entire package!
PUMP!!...Again another part I like...but not showing the entire package. Nothing wrong with being proud...but keep it REAL!

Soooo seeing myself just plain, and having the entire package in one shot was kinda devastating... every Sunday!! The first set of pictures were shocking!..I had no idea actually looked how I did, Yes I had fluffed...but it was still shocking, where were my muscles :(...  I then realized I entered this contest looking this way...meaning...Sh!t...I'm in this...and this is how I look?!?. I felt like one of those bad singers on American Idol!!

I would spend most of the day Sunday nervous and feeling sick waiting for the reaction of my coaches and judges, I would analyze the pictures to DEATH...I even a crying festival in front of Alyssa one Sunday because my anxiety had just become to much to deal with!!...Poor girl!

What I've realized, is that it is VERY important to look at yourself as an entire package when you are truly wanting to make changes...AND...it's the best way to measure change because change happens soooooooo slowly!...So progress pictures, as painful as they are...really are the best way to measure changes in your physique!

I've also learned that it takes a TON of time to grow!!...Each week I would work super hard in the gym...be bang on with my macro's hoping to see huge changed next Sunday. The Worst part is that I had a vision in my head of what I would look like in 11 weeks...HAHAHAH!!...I laugh now...realizing that wasn't going to happen was yet another hard  and devastating blow to my emotional self!! It scared the crap out of me to not know what I was going to look like at the end...and that EVERYONE was going to see what I looked like in my before shots and in what could be my not so impressive after shots!...very hard pill to swallow!

I had no idea how small I really am!.. I thought I had more size (muscle) than I actually do. What I have is the ability to stay lean, and that makes me look muscular. If you put me on stage beside other athletes I would fade away into the stage! My 11 week goals have now become 11 month goals...and that is more realistic! Craig always tells me this "Don't waiver on your goals little lady...just change the time frame" I never really got that until now. It's not that I can't have amazing legs..(my dream)...I just will not have them in 11 weeks...11 months perhaps...but NOT in 11 weeks ;)

The last Humbler in this was the HIIT cardio....Pushing the prowler sled for 20 seconds FULL out...rest for 20 seconds and go again, for 15 minutes. Most people know that I have done loads of running...loads and loads. So when Alyssa asked me to add in HITT...pushing the prowler sled, I thought...OK...I'm not sure what to expect, but I'll give this a go. Thank the good Lord I only have to do HITT 2x's a week...it is honestly the HARDEST thing I have Every done!. Craig calls the After..."The Prowler Flu"...that is totally what it is... You feel like you just got the worst flu EVER!!..The way your body feels in not even describable...you need to do it to understand how hard it is!!. It has made major improvements in my lower half...so as I push the sled, I say in my head..." I don't want a jiggly butt...I don't want a jiggly butt"...ha ha!...True story!!

Love...Hate...HITT Cardio...Prowler Flu!!

So in saying all of that....What I can say is that I am VERY proud of how far I managed to come in the time I've had. I've made some solid changes in my upper half...we are looking to create a better V shape and I see that coming...my legs have leaned out a TON...they have never ever been this lean and I still weigh 117lbs! I'm also hitting all kinds of  max lifts at the Gym. What used to be my MAX single squat 135lbs...is now the weight I use for 5 sets of 5 :)....Realizing that is what made me cry at the gym a few weeks back!..It was a long time goal of mine to squat well with a 45lb plate on each side!..Yay ME! :)
My Better "V" Shape is coming!
I'm MOST MOST MOST proud of how I've dealt with the Diet. On many occasions I was very tempted to just not eat. When I wasn't seeing changes it was hard for me to no just go back to what I did before. I would think to myself...if I just stop eating, I'll be skinny...and that is better than this!. I made a promise to myself and to my coaches to follow though...to trust the process...to better myself with this contest. If I let myself fall back into old ways, I would have failed completely. I see how this process works...I'm no longer afraid to eat...I welcome the food as fuel...and I am MOST proud of that change.!!
I'm proud I stayed committed!! 

Thanks for taking the time to read this Blog...my main points and things I've learned are:
1. Don't fool yourself with fake progress pictures and filters...AND Don't BE fooled by IG and filters!!
2. Look at the Entire Package if you want to change the Entire Package
3.It takes a TON of time and eating to grow
4.Trust in the process and work HARD

I'm beyond thankful to Alyssa and Craig. Everyone knows the "Body by Bongelli" The Big Man got me started, I'll be forever thankful!!...I'm super excited to present the "HOLY CRAP by Coppolino" in 4 short weeks :). The diet has really been the game changer in this for me...Alyssa has been an amazing coach!!...Craig has always trained me well, but now that this little lady has fuel, I kill his programs! ;)
When you see her Train... see her Grow...you WANT to work with her!!...100% Dedication to Training herself and her Clients! 

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

I'm 36 and Being BULLIED....Yep...Bullied!!.....By Grown Women...Pathetic!!

So I thought I would share a little something with those that enjoy my bogs and posts....Bullies...They never change!!

I wanted to share with those that read and enjoy my blogs that I've got some Bullies...I have been attacked on several occasions by some grown up MEAN GIRLS!! I honestly can't believe that these MOTHERS would treat another person the way I have been treated.

This Picture was sent to a person I know...she said she does not know the sender, and the phone # in the picture is not from the sender. This text has been placed in another text to look like it came from this random # and then sent off. 

Yep A Grown Woman sent this around!...a Grown woman with Kids!

So the above picture was taken OFF my Facebook by a "friend" They choose to add that caption...and send it around. I've taken this to the police and we know it was sent by a Woman...One she attacked me as a mother...and Two she attacked my sexuality. All it takes is a suspects phone # and the receivers # to confirm who did this...but I'm choosing to be the bigger person and not press charges...nor tell who it is. I just hope they read this blog and understand how pathetic they are!

YES I fully understand that when you post on ANY social media site you are open to critics...I'm not oblivious to that fact!!. But what is pathetic is that I'm being bullied by grown women...that in my opinion are jealous. They are upset that I have managed to keep my weight off...I have struggled...I've been honest...and I'm trying to get better, Yet I STILL get attacked by Grown women with children!!

The point of my post is to tell you that no matter what you are doing in life people will find inspiration...OR...they will find a reason to Hate on you!!!..So just keep Swimming!!

These games played by immature girls does nothing but push me harder!...So thank you for being bitches!! I have an amazing support system behind me...helping me get Healthy. 

I'm not looking for oh I'm sorry you are dealing with this Sheryl...or any thing like that. I want anyone that reads this to know that I fight HARD...I fight every day to be healthy...and I'm not letting anyone stop me! I've had a TON of people tell me they have dealt with the same issues I am dealing with, and knowing I am helping at least ONE person...make all this other stuff laughable!

So to the Mean Girls...I know who you are...and I think you are Pathetic, I've helped you in the past with weight issues and been nothing but supportive of you!...You are Mothers!. Imagine if your child was being treated like you are treating me?...how would you react?.. Likely not as well as I am reacting!! NO one is forced to read my blogs...like my posts...this contest...or my photos. So if you are not interested...that is A-OK...but Please look at what you are doing, how you are behaving and make yourself better!!

 I will continue to blog,post pictures and kick ASS...This journey is for ME...for my Health.

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Macro's??...So what's all this Talk about Macro's.....


So what's all this chatter about Macro's?...every time I look on FB or IG everyone is chatting about Macro's...and that is awesome!

I haven't been this excited about a way of eating since Weight Watcher. WW had great flexibility, you got to structure your day based on Points. Well Macro's work in much the same way.

With either system you can choose how to spend or use your Macro's. You can choose to spend all your WW points on cereal and milk if you so wish, the same with Macro's. Even using your macro's in a poor way, you should still loose or maintain weight.

I'm so excited about Macro's because this time around I know more, have different goals and I have a Diet coach teaching me so much, my brain hurts at times!!

How my love of Macro's Began....

I first heard about Macro's from my Friend Katie. Katie is an Athlete and she also uses Macro's as a way of life. Katie mentioned it to me and I thought...humm sounds interesting, but it seemed like work and at that point in my life more work wasn't appealing....so I left it at...Hummmmm.

Over the Summer I was over having a play day with my Friend Carrie. Carrie is also an Athlete and she is a busy working Mom of 3 young girls. Carrie started talking to me about Macro's too...again I thought, hummm...again more Macro talk...but being in a bad place I didn't really want to listen to much.

Soon after that play day Alyssa talked to me about Macro's...This was after I had spoken to Craig about my eating issues...and we were taking steps to correct it. I was really humbled that Alyssa was offering to step in and help me. So because I respected that so much I decided to listen and really learn  how Macro's work. :)

So how they work in a very short description :) Alyssa did an analysis of my systems for me..she knows my training. With all that info she gives me a break down of daily Goals for food. Those goals are Protein, Carb, Fat and Fiber. I need to intake all the Macro's she instructs me to eat...it really doesn't matter how I get it in...but I have to get it in!

It's likely the best "diet" I have ever learned about. The super cool thing is that it works for starters, and it works for athletes...even elite athletes!!

When I first started with Macro's I played around a TON...so many days I would miss hitting all my macro's and have to figure out a way to hit them the next day. So I made a ton of Bowls!!...Bowls rule...take lots of yummy stuff and mix it together...yeah, that's Macro's!! :)

Example: Cabbage, Spinach, Avocado, Tuna, red peppers, Cucumbers Mayo mixed with mustard as dressing. :) Amazing!!

Mexican: Love this one:)...Cabbage and spinach, Avocado  Re fried beans, tomato, spicy enchilada sauce!!..so Yum :)

** Notice I always make 2...it just makes life easy!!**

So I enter all the ingredients into My fitness pal and I know where I am at for the day...that's why making 2 is really a helpful thing for a busy Mom.

The bowls are good for every day...but the amazing thing is, I'm now in a competition...my Macro numbers started out the same....but I changed from everyday eating to Athlete eating.

I call it Athlete eating because it's all about timing macro's around your training. I make sure I have lots of carbs around my training...load up on fats in the morning, and eat small meals often.

So now I split my carbs to focus on my training schedule. I need to ensure my body is well fed and grows. Alyssa has monitored my Macro's since day one of this challenge.  She started me off close to where I was before the bulk...about 1300 calories broken up how she felt best suited me...she needed to see how I responded. Well I lost weight way to fast...working out burned to much so she upped me to 1500, mostly upping my carbs and Fat...sure enough I still lost. So finally we have settled in well at 1700 calories per day...DOUBLE ...DOUBLE what I was eating before I spoke with Craig!! 

What's also awesome is that I'm only 2lbs lighter then when I weighed in for this competition...but I'm fairly lean!...So having a great macro balance and eating my Macro's timed properly is really working amazing!!

It does take lots of prep to eat like this...but the results are worth it. I eat out of containers a lot-lol...but it's all very routine for me now. I think I have a good pattern and I'm seeing lots of positive changes!!

You get to be creative with Macro's...it gets you excited about food again. You have total control on how you use Macro's and tracking with My fitness Pal keeps you accountable and aware of what goes in your mouth. 

Pre work out Pumpkin Protein Pancakes

If you choose to try Macro's see someone that can set you up with the correct numbers. If you try an on line calculator it doesn't know you!!...I tried it and the numbers were way far off from what Alyssa gave me...and what she has given me is working!

Next week I will be posting about the progress...and YES I will bite the HUGE bullet and post some pictures...the before are going to be tough to post!! But... I'm excited about the changes I've made in 3 weeks...so I'll share what 4 weeks of IIFYM with Alyssa and Training with Craig has done :)

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail

Doing something for me, makes me better for others

Sunday, 8 September 2013

It's been an interesting experience thus far...

Ups Downs and the Lessons.

Well it's go time for this contest. Thanks to everyone for the kind words and encouragement. I thought it would be a good idea to get my thoughts down on "paper" so I can look back.

I'm having my picture, measurements and weight taken tomorrow. I'm more than a little freaked out about it!!!. I'm feeling the most uncomfortable I have in years...I'm soft from not training...I'm really struggling with the idea of jumping this far out of my comfort zone! I knew this would come, and I wondered how I would react...I guess now I know.

Commitment to change to improve and to be healthy

I'm not sure why this is so hard for me to do, why I'm so anxious about being seen not at my best, just out of bed so to speak. I know full well I will be back in good shape in a couple of weeks...but knowing I need to expose my worst is hard! 

I've learned a lot though this and I'll have to just take a breath tomorrow and know I did this for a greater purpose, to learn and to have a healthier lifestyle...and better self image.

I have to say I feel much better about my relationship with food. I can honestly honestly say that I did not enjoy very much of the crappy eating. I really paid attention to how I felt eating poorly, and for the most part I really just didn't want to be eating it. I'd say the novelty wore off pretty fast for me. 
That taught me that I really do have a grip on this...I really don't have to worry about going back to how I was before. That lesson alone is worth this.

I've decided to promise myself I will trust this process. I will trust Craig and Alyssa with my diet and my training. Me giving up control is beyond hard...I feel a little sick typing it. 

Strong enough to start over

I am smart enough to realize that what I was doing was NOT working...so in order to learn something new, that should work...I need to do everything they say. I have to resist the urge to eat less because I think I should, I need to not do more cardio because I think I should. I need to trust in this process...that will be a huge challenge for me. I'll have to pay close attention to that aspect of this challenge.

So that's how it's gone so far...I've had ups and positive lessons...and some downs because of fears and insecurity.

I've really understood that it's ME against ME...just like when I changed the first time. 


Friday, 6 September 2013

This is Not a Weight Loss Blog.....

This is NOT a weight loss blog....This is an Empowerment Blog!

For those of you wondering what the point is to my new Blogs, I would like to clear that up for you...Apparently I have ruffled a few feathers with my choices.

This is not a Blog about weight Loss...This is an Empowerment blog...and it's for ME :)  I would like to refer back to blog #1 in my new blogs. In that blog I admitted I had an issue with food and I asked that the pressure of being looked at as a weight loss motivator, to ease off. The pressure was feeding my unhealthy choices. I have new goals I want to hit, I want to do new things, and I want to get healthy and strong. I feel I am heading towards REAL balance...not swings in my weight...where someone does the binge and purge thing, but instead a healthy relationship with food through learning and understanding how MY body works. 

Before this Challenge with Popeye's I was in a bad cycle. Craig has a great was of explaining things...I call them "Craigisms"...Anyone that trains with him knows about his little "isms". Craig explained that I was just the body of a car...in that car was only a Gas peddle. So all I was able to do with myself was Gas on weight loss, I was only able to go in one direction. I was so focused on loosing, so afraid of gaining, feeling so much pressure that I gassed on to a very unhealthy 107lbs.

After Craig sat down with me and made me talk about my issues and seek help from Alyssa I gained a Gear box for my car :)...I can now Gas on weight Gain...Gas on Weight Loss...or just sit in Neutral. Choosing to Go through this gaining process for this contest, I have now gotten the last part I need for my car. I have a steering wheel!!...YAY!. So now I can Gas on...Break...Shift and Steer my little muscle car in ANY direction I want...I have total control of my Car...It's a very empowering feeling. 

I'm very excited to start on a healthy diet with Alyssa...to learn to love food again. I'm so excited to see my body change the way I want it to...I'm ready to do new things...I'm ready to walk away from loosing weight...and finally become what I want, with true balance and no pressure.

This contest prep has taught me soo sooo much. I am going to be able to better help our main two customer groups...The ones that wish to Gain. I have struggled sooo much with gaining...I will explain why in a moment. And I will be able to help the other part of our customer base, the ones wishing to loose.

Ok...Onto Metabolism...I'm sticking with the Car "ism" for this Blog...Zoom Zoom!!

We were given 4 weeks to prepare for this contest...the contest is called..."Can you walk the walk??" So we could choose how we wanted to come in to this opportunity. We could Bulk and loose...we could loose and bulk or we could just go in and see what happens. Craig, Alyssa and myself felt the Bulk to loose would be best for me because it would give me control...it gave me the parts of my car I needed to have control.

We tried to bulk me in a lean healthy way...NONE of us had any idea how my body was actually working....so we had to resort to trying junk food to gain a few lbs and to help me learn to loosen up the reins on my food issues. Well after 2 weeks of GAS on crappy eating....I've yet to hit 120lbs. I've stopped training...I'm a little soft...but no movement in the scale. I was baffled by this...I was feeling gross, and upset. So Craig once again hooked me up with a "Craigism"

He explained that when I was a runner I was this little car....cute eh ;)
Cute pre lifting Sheryl :)
There is nothing wrong with this little car...it is efficient, it gets you where you need to go...but the one thing it does not do, is burn very much fuel. As a runner I was what we call in the fitness industry "Skinny Fat" I was small but I didn't have any muscle on my body. When I ran, I ran to eat!...I knew if I wanted a burger, or an ice cream I needed to run to earn it. Remember me saying a million times..."earn it to eat it"?! So if I was still this cute little car I would have bulked in a week...I would have gained my 10lbs with ease. I've still been thinking of my body as this little car...so I ate that way.

I've been training HARD with Craig for about a year. When we lift, it's HEAVY...Lucky girl eh! And now my metabolism runs like this Bad Ass Muscle Car...Yippee!! :)
Me as a Bad Ass Car...Zoom...Fast Metabolism baby...Finally!!
Craig explained that the more muscle you have on your body the more fuel you need to operate. So what that means is that for far to long I have been afraid to use the engine that is my metabolism. He has built me a Metabolism by introducing me to heavy lifting. Something I truly truly love. I can't describe in words how it feels to hit a personal best in the Gym. To squat like a boss...or dead lift like a strongman!! Now more than ever I am HUNGRY for personal bests...I'm hungry to be strong and build the body I want...and not care what the scale says! My goals are more than weight loss. "It's not about what you have done, it's about what you are doing". 

If you learn one thing from this Blog post please understand this...Lifting heavy will do way more for your metabolism, and more for your over all physique than endless hours of cardio EVER will... PERIOD!

So far I feel really positive about where I am going and what I have learned. I have learned that gaining is HARD when you train hard. I have leaned that I have total control over my body. I have all the parts of my car...So Look out...I'm going to drive it to an awesome level of Bad Ass!! 

Fully fed body by Alyssa....Training like a Beast thanks to Craig! I'm excited to see what happens after weigh in on Monday...I may not win this contest...but I have won back my body, and beaten the scale!! :)

YEP...Best years to come! :)
I will be posting blogs through this contest, progress pictures and all-Yikes, be brave Sheryl!!...I want to teach women about lifting heavy and eating within your Macro's. It's a livable way of eating that I think will work for many people. 

Lifting heavy will not make a woman bulky...it makes you solid, strong and kick ass ;)

Monday, 26 August 2013

Products to Gain...Products to Loose...all the same ones...Crazy eh!! :)

Gains or losses....it's all about ABSORPTION!!

I wanted to give some awesome information about some products that I use ALL The time!...they are essential in my diet and aid in body function.

If you are trying to gain weight or loose weight the key is absorption. If you are not absorbing the food you are eating, your body will not gain the weight you are looking to gain. Same goes for losses, when loosing weight it's very important to absorb everything, so your body doesn't think you are starving!!

My FAVORITE Products :)

Above is a picture of me gathering all my Favorite products at Popeye's. I'll give a brief explanation about each product, what they do and why I love them!! :)

My Favorite Protein EVER!
Why do I love Magnum Quattro Protein soooo Much?!? It is Pharmaceutical grade through and through!!...what does that mean?...Super high quality Product superior Absorb-ability!! :)

Quattro offers the following: 

*2 Isolates for post training gratification 
*Pharmaceutical grade CLA, Flax Seed, Casein, Egg Protein, and Cane Sugar.
*30g of Protein per serving
*It tastes UNREAL
*Made in Canada (very important to me)
*lactose Free

Quattro is my choice of protein because it satisfies so many of my needs. Post work out...breakfast because of the combo of proteins...and bed time for the same reasons.
It's an awesome product that will aid in quality gains, and feed my muscles when it's time to lean out.

Amazing product!

Progressive HCP-70 is an awesome product for EVERYONE!!...It is sooo important to have good flora in your digestive track. Absorption happens most in the intestines, and good intestinal health is key or absorption doesn't happen...no absorption, go gains, no losses!!

Here are some of the benefits of this product!
  • Supports immune function
  • Increases absorption of vitamins and minerals
  • Healthier skin through the reduction of acne, eczema and psoriasis
  • Prevention and treatment of vaginal and urinary tract infections
  • Reduced symptoms of Dysbiosis (imbalance between good and bad bacteria)
  • Reduced fatigue
  • Reduced Distention, bloating and flatulence
  • Reduced constipation and diarrhea
  • Improved digestion
  • Reduced Hypoglycemia
  • Reduced food allergies
  • Reduced lactose intolerance
  • Reduced Leaky Gut Syndrome

    So much Energy!!

    Progressive Veggie Greens is one of favorite products!. I start my day with this in my morning shake!. Veggies green's does several things for the body. It has most the nutritional benefits of 5-7 servings of veggies (minus the fiber) Most important thing about this product **PH Balance** Most of us are Acidic...an Acidic body is an unhappy body. Progressive uses a unique combination of veggies that help to Alkalize the body. Again, this aids with Absorption!

    Here are some of the things this product offer!

    • Restores a healthy pH
    • Supports liver function
    • Detoxifies the body
    • Cleanses the colon
    • Increases energy and renews mental clarity
    • Stimulates and enhances brain function
    • Strengthens immune system
    • Supports cardiovascular health
    • Balances blood sugar
    • Boosts metabolism
    • Improves digestive function
    • Promotes clear, healthy skin
    • Acts as an anti-inflammatory
    • Helps to relieve allergies
    • Tastes great!

    Progressive Fish Oil is an awesome product...my vanity product so to speak ;) Fish oils do for your insides, what they do for your outsides :) Progressive fish oils is my choice of oils because of the taste, the quality and the DHA (550mg) and EPA (1000mg) levels. fish oils help to lubricate your joints, your arteries and help keep things moving! they are the vanity products because it also helps keep your skin, hair, nails healthy and strong.

    Here are some of the benefits of this awesome product!

    • Supports cardiovascular health
    • Improves focus, concentration and mental acuity
    • Assists with healthy mood balance
    • Strengthens immune function
    • May reduce occurrence of asthma and allergies
    • Reduces inflammation
    • Promotes healthy skin and hair

That's all for this blog post...I hope you learned a little!!. Remember that if you want to loose weight...or gain weight you need to make sure your digestion and absorption are working! :) 

If you want to know if your digestion and systems are in working order, Alyssa can help you figure out what's up!!. When she did my body analysis my digestion was GOOD :)...why??...because I use high quality products that allow me to absorb what I'm eating!

If you have any questions about these products, head on into any of the local Popeye's location...we are Non Commission so anyone is happy to help you!. We have a store in Kitchener, Waterloo and a new one in Cambridge:)

Monday, 19 August 2013

When Opportunity Knocks....

Opportunity is Knocking....and I'm going to Answer it! :)

I believe that things, people and opportunities happen for a reason. I often look back and think...OHHH that's why this happened when it did.

Well I have an opportunity and I feel it's been presented to me for a reason, a lesson and a great learning experience.

Most of you know I work at Popeye's Supplements in Kitchener. I really enjoy working at Popeye's, My fellow employees and employer are awesome, it's a great environment. We are constantly encouraged to grow.

Upon arriving to work I was greeted by my boss Terry...he said...Oh Man do we have a contest for You Sheryl!...of course I was very interested to read the details of what was on the table. Here are the contest and prize details!!

As staff we all enjoy a healthy lifestyle and we are encouraged to make changes and push yourself in ways that will aid our customers. So This is a competition between 11 stores.
Popeye's is having a HUGE HUGE Competition...up for grabs is a total of almost $15 000 in Prize Money...YEAH...it's an amazing contest!! :)

Contest Starts September 5th!!

*Fist Place for Best Female Transformation in 11 Weeks $2500.00 (there are 2nd and 3rd prizes too)
*First Place for Best over all Female Physique in 11 Weeks is $1000.00 (there are 2nd and 3rd prizes too) 

**Grand total up for grabs for the First place winner of the Female category is $3500.00

Of course this contest was right up my alley...I thought....Yeah I could win over all physique, that would be great!...so I went and spoke with Craig and Alyssa :)

Both of them said...forget the $1000.00....Lets go for the $3500.00!!...I was a little confused at how they thought I could win best over all change in 11 weeks....so here is the plan, and the rationale behind the plan.

As everyone read in my last blog I have Food issues...I have major issues with the Scale and the numbers on it. I've been working with Alyssa for a good 3-4 weeks and as I mentioned I feel AMAZING...my weight is headed in a positive direction and my energy is back, I'm killing my big lifts at the gym! What all this means is  I trust in the process and have started to let go of the scale...YAY!! :)

So Craig and Alyssa are proposing that I put on some "Fluff" before the weigh in and measurements...well a good amount of Fluff. YIKES was my initial reaction-haha. They both feel this contest is an amazing opportunity for the following reasons...and after taking the weekend to think about it...I totally AGREE!!

*Doing a good, quick gain will help me realize I do NOT need to fear the scale, My weight...is totally MY control. 
*Dieting PROPERLY over 11 weeks is something I would love to know how to do...how to cut down, keep the muscle and my energy up will be an awesome much needed experience!!.
*MOST IMPORTANT POINT-Coming OFF the diet...Seeing myself shredded down is something I have wanted to do without having to get on a stage. I haven't done it for lots of reasons, #1 being the rebound post show.This is where Alyssa and Craig will be there for me the most!...They will not let me Stay in "stage shape" nor will they let me blow up!

How do I feel about this??...well I kinda feel like Craig, Alyssa and I just got on a roller coaster...I wasn't able to get my seat belt done up in time...so the only thing holding me on this ride....is Alyssa and Craig!!
This is ME :)

So that's what's next for this Girl...Alyssa has changed my diet for a quick GAIN...YIKES!...but she is so amazing and sensitive to my mental issues. She has asked me to up everything I am doing...and add in 2-3 cheats.

Example of stuff I'm upping....I now Add coconut oil to ALL my shakes, I have 2 HUGE shakes per day instead of just one...I eat way more fruit...and I have the fatty Almond milk. I'm also supposed to eat one crappy meal or snack per day...yikes!

I'm also trying to eat as often as possible...but with my body used to NOT eating it's been a real challenge for me...but I get a text now and again from my Diet coach and Trainer reminding me to eat...I've got a sick team behind me!! Craig has also made me a new program to make me..."Work out Wasted"...haha!...I love that saying...it's a steal from Alyssa...you will see me post that often! :)

Why am I posting this for the public??...After all the pressure I felt after my last change???....Simple...I received an INSANE response to my last blog post. So may people are struggling with what to do post weight loss...how to find a happy place...unsure how to deal with weight coming back on, or for those that did what I did..."live" in deprivation....for the competitors that can't find a happy place post show.

I hope this next part of my Journey is helpful to Everyone. There are people out there that can help like Craig and Alyssa....diets like IIFYM that allow you to LIVE and enjoy your amazing new health! I hope this shows that weight gain and proper diet can be amazing...that a beautiful muscular physique is just that ....BEAUTIFUL...no matter that the scale tells you!! :)

Ok....I gotta go EAT...Then Train....I have a contest to WIN!! :)

My hands are UP :)

Thursday, 15 August 2013

What have I been up to??...New Goals...New Diet...New Start :)

"It's not about what you've done, it's about what you're doing"

Well it's been a long long time since I blogged...I have never been very good at this. I have some things that need to be shared...this is a VERY honest blog. I hope you get something from it.

Anyone that knows me knows my story. My weight loss and my new love of training and all things fitness. I love to train...lift heavy and see changes in my physique. But sometimes...more than sometimes I stumble. 

I struggle with the scale. I've been fighting numbers on a scale for my entire life. 

I put my journey out in the public for accountability and to hopefully inspire  others to make good changes. Doing that has accomplished both of the above, but it also put a TON of pressure on me to stay looking super lean. I have been living very lean for a good year an a half, staying on what is like a contest prep diet...but the contest never came...so the diet never ended. I apologize publicly for living a lie. I pretended to be healthy when I was really hurting myself with an ugly cycle....really a sickness. 

I started to see great lifting progress with Craig, about 5 months ago... he had me eating more and I was hitting all kinds of max's. The Max lifts felt great...but the scale started to look a little high....and I kinda freaked out-Huge! :(

I stopped eating the way Craig had asked me to eat...I started to see the scale go back down and I looked great!. He had put some muscle on my body and it really showed when I stopped eating to perform, and started eating next to nothing!... Extreme Diet is really all I knew...high protein, next to no carbs.

Finally this caught up to me, I was moody...distracted, lifting poorly. Craig would ask me what was up, why were my lifts were sucking and I would just blame lack of sleep, or the kids are keeping me busy. Craig is no fool and he could see me loosing more and more weight.

Soon Craig sat me down and made me tell him what I was eating...I felt sick as soon as the conversation started. After we calculated my daily intake of pretty much a breakfast shake...chicken and cucumbers it was clear to both of us I was hurting myself. Living on 700-800 Calories per day for about 2-3 months and training 6 day's a week was destroying my mind and body. I hit an all time low on the scale of 107lbs. That was NOT a healthy number!!

So after seeing the disappointment in his face, and knowing in my heart I needed to STOP this crazy cycle and dependence on the scale I thought long and hard about what I wanted, and I knew I wanted to change for real this time!

I was out shopping and an Usher song gave me My AAAAHAAA Moment. The lyrics were "It's not about what you've done, it's about what you're doing" That hit me like a TON of bricks!. I stopped dead in my tracks and thought.. Everyone knows you have lost weight, it's an old story...so the question is...What are you doing NOW?...The answer was living in the past and not creating the Athlete I wanted to be, I wasn't living, or growing, I was regressing!!

So I swallowed my HUGE pride and asked for help! I'm not one to trust...Anyone...EVER! To trust someone with my Diet is a HUGE leap of Faith...and I mean HUGE! 

Everyone knows who Craig is...but not to many know who Alyssa is. She is a great Friend to me and happens to be Craig's girlfriend and someone I look up to as a strong, beautiful woman. Alyssa has a degree in kinesiology, She has numerous nutrition courses under her belt and she has struggled with her diet and growth for years! She understand the battles of weight loss and gains. 

Alyssa sat down with me and asked if she could be the one to help me...I got a little nervous at the idea of letting her take over my diet. I have control issues and giving her control was VERY hard...but it really was the BEST BEST thing I've done for ME in a LONG time!! :)

Alyssa gave me what seemed to be a mountain of paperwork to fill out...this information was going to allow her to analyse my entire system. When she met with me to discuss her findings, I knew right then and there that this new Journey with her was going to Kick ASS!! I finally felt I had a livable solution!

Alyssa noticed that a few of my systems were lagging, She was able to give me food lists and suggestions to boost those systems and help me get my body working again. She then suggested I try something called "If it fits your Macro's" ...she explained it was like weight watchers points but a much more in depth version. My ears perked up...WW points?!...I rocked that system!!...I got more excited than ever!!

Alyssa calculated my exact maco needs for lean growth...she set me up with My fitness Pal for easy tracking...YES tracking!!...I do love to track!! :) It was all to good to be true.

I've been working with Alyssa and on IIFYM for 2-3 weeks, Alyssa has access to my account and she monitors my eating, makes suggestions and texts me to eat if she notices I've been lagging!. I have to say in Caps...I FEEL AMAZING! I have energy...my muscles are Full and look GREAT, I can concentrate and my mood swings have stopped. I feel like a person again!! 

I Do :)

What Alyssa has done is give me confidence in food again!, she has allowed me to grow but kept me lean, a healthy level of lean!!...I honestly haven't felt this good in a very very long time! I'm starting to grow and the scale isn't an issue for me anymore because I TRUST THE PROCESS! ***HOORAY!!!**

Alyssa, Craig and I are about to start a great journey together, I feel totally blessed to have them in my life!.**Stay TUNED for all the exciting things we are going to be cooking up :)**

If YOU are looking for something NEW, something livable, something CUSTOM designed for just you, A PERSONAL Diet Coach!... I encourage you to contact Alyssa. She truly is a life saver!!...She knows her stuff, she understands the struggle and she has all the tools to help you hit goals and stay healthy!!

I hope this blog was helpful to someone, I hope you can appreciate the good and the bad of weight loss...The constant struggle with the drug called FOOD. I've been struggling for far to long...scared for far to long. 
I'm excited for the choices I've made!!

For more information on how to start an AMAZING journey of your own...contact Alyssa Coppolino at
alyssacoppolino@gmail.com OR connect with her on Facebook :) 