Monday 19 August 2013

When Opportunity Knocks....

Opportunity is Knocking....and I'm going to Answer it! :)

I believe that things, people and opportunities happen for a reason. I often look back and think...OHHH that's why this happened when it did.

Well I have an opportunity and I feel it's been presented to me for a reason, a lesson and a great learning experience.

Most of you know I work at Popeye's Supplements in Kitchener. I really enjoy working at Popeye's, My fellow employees and employer are awesome, it's a great environment. We are constantly encouraged to grow.

Upon arriving to work I was greeted by my boss Terry...he said...Oh Man do we have a contest for You Sheryl!...of course I was very interested to read the details of what was on the table. Here are the contest and prize details!!

As staff we all enjoy a healthy lifestyle and we are encouraged to make changes and push yourself in ways that will aid our customers. So This is a competition between 11 stores.
Popeye's is having a HUGE HUGE Competition...up for grabs is a total of almost $15 000 in Prize's an amazing contest!! :)

Contest Starts September 5th!!

*Fist Place for Best Female Transformation in 11 Weeks $2500.00 (there are 2nd and 3rd prizes too)
*First Place for Best over all Female Physique in 11 Weeks is $1000.00 (there are 2nd and 3rd prizes too) 

**Grand total up for grabs for the First place winner of the Female category is $3500.00

Of course this contest was right up my alley...I thought....Yeah I could win over all physique, that would be great! I went and spoke with Craig and Alyssa :)

Both of them said...forget the $1000.00....Lets go for the $3500.00!!...I was a little confused at how they thought I could win best over all change in 11 here is the plan, and the rationale behind the plan.

As everyone read in my last blog I have Food issues...I have major issues with the Scale and the numbers on it. I've been working with Alyssa for a good 3-4 weeks and as I mentioned I feel weight is headed in a positive direction and my energy is back, I'm killing my big lifts at the gym! What all this means is  I trust in the process and have started to let go of the scale...YAY!! :)

So Craig and Alyssa are proposing that I put on some "Fluff" before the weigh in and measurements...well a good amount of Fluff. YIKES was my initial reaction-haha. They both feel this contest is an amazing opportunity for the following reasons...and after taking the weekend to think about it...I totally AGREE!!

*Doing a good, quick gain will help me realize I do NOT need to fear the scale, My totally MY control. 
*Dieting PROPERLY over 11 weeks is something I would love to know how to to cut down, keep the muscle and my energy up will be an awesome much needed experience!!.
*MOST IMPORTANT POINT-Coming OFF the diet...Seeing myself shredded down is something I have wanted to do without having to get on a stage. I haven't done it for lots of reasons, #1 being the rebound post show.This is where Alyssa and Craig will be there for me the most!...They will not let me Stay in "stage shape" nor will they let me blow up!

How do I feel about this??...well I kinda feel like Craig, Alyssa and I just got on a roller coaster...I wasn't able to get my seat belt done up in the only thing holding me on this Alyssa and Craig!!
This is ME :)

So that's what's next for this Girl...Alyssa has changed my diet for a quick GAIN...YIKES!...but she is so amazing and sensitive to my mental issues. She has asked me to up everything I am doing...and add in 2-3 cheats.

Example of stuff I'm upping....I now Add coconut oil to ALL my shakes, I have 2 HUGE shakes per day instead of just one...I eat way more fruit...and I have the fatty Almond milk. I'm also supposed to eat one crappy meal or snack per day...yikes!

I'm also trying to eat as often as possible...but with my body used to NOT eating it's been a real challenge for me...but I get a text now and again from my Diet coach and Trainer reminding me to eat...I've got a sick team behind me!! Craig has also made me a new program to make me..."Work out Wasted"...haha!...I love that's a steal from will see me post that often! :)

Why am I posting this for the public??...After all the pressure I felt after my last change???....Simple...I received an INSANE response to my last blog post. So may people are struggling with what to do post weight to find a happy place...unsure how to deal with weight coming back on, or for those that did what I did..."live" in deprivation....for the competitors that can't find a happy place post show.

I hope this next part of my Journey is helpful to Everyone. There are people out there that can help like Craig and Alyssa....diets like IIFYM that allow you to LIVE and enjoy your amazing new health! I hope this shows that weight gain and proper diet can be amazing...that a beautiful muscular physique is just that matter that the scale tells you!! :)

Ok....I gotta go EAT...Then Train....I have a contest to WIN!! :)

My hands are UP :)

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